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The Kairos YES Retreat 2021

Writer's picture: People of Hope CreativePeople of Hope Creative

Despite the many obstacles & disappointments this past year has brought about, the Lord continues to be faithful to us in Ignite Youth Ministry in many ways. We have been able to meet in person week after week for both our large group events, Ignite Nights, and in small groups this past year. One of the biggest blessings of the year was being able to the attend the regional Kairos YES Retreat in person this March.

On early Friday morning, March 26th, we met in the Our Lady of the Mount parking lot and twenty-seven teens and ten youth workers loaded up on a bus headed to Hillsdale, Michigan for this annual high school retreat. Many of the teens and youth workers were attending this retreat for the first time since last year this event was virtual.

The weekend's theme was "Thy Kingdom Come" and the three main sessions focused on the Kingdom of God and who is the one the throne of our hearts - Jesus or something/someone else. The talks also reflected on our responsibilities of being stewards to the gospel in God's kingdom and the opportunity for teens to claim Jesus as the King and Lord of their lives.

As at every YES Retreat, there were powerful times of praise and worship, small group discussions and a chance for each teen to be prayed over in small groups. It was also full of fun and games as well as social time with the opportunity to meet teens from all over the country. Due to Covid the retreat in general looked pretty different as to follow the guidelines. But the Lord, in His faithfulness, still showed up and worked in power in many of the teens' lives! It is always a gift to step back and see the Lord at work in the teens and, in response, witness them take a step closer to Him!

- Maeve, Ignite Youth Worker

Read what some of the Ignite teens have to say about the retreat:

Q: What was your favorite part of the YES Retreat this year?

A: The overall experience, the music, the talks, the deep reflections.

A: The men’s split session. Also the charismatic prayer was unmatched. It was amazing

A: My favorite part was the praise and worship

A: I loved the praise and worship and I could really feel God in the room as everyone was praising Him.

Q: What was your favorite talk & why? What was the one point of the talk that stuck with you?

A: The gratitude talk. I definitely need to be more thankful for everything I have, and this talk gave me tips how to do so and more importantly why

A. The kings in our life, and how the kings we have are usually just what we place our hope in (in terms of material or other things that are not God)

A: My favorite talk was probably the part where they mentioned the couch vs the throne. It made me realize that I was putting some things on the same level as God. I then realized I should let God be the only one sitting on the throne in my mind.

A. Johnny Hess' witness was my favorite. I forget what this is from but the part that Jesus has already won the fight, we only have to get to the finish line, was my favorite part.

Q: What is one thing you are going to try to work on now that the retreat is done?

A: Trying to reach out to people who don’t know their faith.

A: I’m going to try to always remember to put God first in my life.

A: Be more open in charismatic prayer

A: Loving my enemy

A: Spreading the word of God, setting a better example as a Catholic young adult.

A: Not being afraid to talk to others about God

A: Not being ashamed of my faith

A: I am going to try and really grow my prayer life and build more of a personal relationship with Him

A: I’m going to set a time for God to hangout with him more often

A: I am going to try to put Jesus first in my life and be a good disciple :)



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