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divine mercy chaplet
tiny chapel session
April 2022
The People of Hope office staff leads a sung Divine Mercy Chaplet in preparation for Holy Week and the Easter Triduum.
We invite you to join us in praying the chaplet this Holy Week as together we remember the life, passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For the audio only version, please see here.
Praise & Worship tiny chapel session
March 20, 2020
The People of Hope office staff leads a time of praise and worship in response to the the beginnings of Covid-19. In the midst of uncertainty, God remains faithful. May we ever place our trust and hope in Him.
"I Belong to You" by Robert Filoramo
"More Precious Than Silver" by Lynn DeShaza
"Exodus XV" by Frank Gallio
"God Alone" by John Keating

easter season
praise & worship
Join us as we celebrate the Easter Season with an Easter Tiny Chapel Session! Christ is risen, Alleluia!
Thank you to the People of Hope office staff for leading our praise and worship.
Download song lyrics here
For the audio only version see here
Alleluia, He is Risen!
The Strife is O'er
Christ is Risen from the Dead
Sing with all the Saints in Glory

Alicia & Joseph Greey
Alicia and Joseph Greey joined us in the People of Hope chapel as they shared two of Alicia's most recent singles, two beautiful songs on the joyful waiting of Advent. Alicia and Joe's intimate and sincere vocals are a wonderful way to prepare one's heart to receive Christ anew. What a beautiful reminder to us during this last week in Advent that we wait in joyful hope!
A seasoned singer-songwriter, Alicia has devoted her efforts to bringing praise to God through reimaginings of old hymns and original compositions. Her most recent album "With God" is available online through her website. If you would like to hear more of Alicia's music be sure to check out
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