I had the privilege of serving in Ignite for the past five years. During this time, I really found joy in service while working with these youth. I looked forward to Thursday nights getting to hang out and get to know each of them - most of the time it was one of the highlights of my week. Saying five years and thinking back to it, it was a long time, but when you do something, you love, it flies by. Seeing God work in each of the teens' lives at different moments was so special and I am so grateful to have been able to witness it. Although Ignite was a place for me to serve and give, I learned so much about life and God through my service. Working with youth is a powerful and exhausting experience but seeing them grow over the span of their high school career is so incredibly rewarding. I recently moved to South Carolina for my Master's degree and I miss working with the high schoolers. If I could tell people to do one service in the People of Hope it would hands down be Ignite. It is one of the best investments you could make in yourself and in the community!
- Elise Nordstrom, Former Ignite Youth Worker

Ignite teens & staff from our Ignite Retreat, February 2022