Let's remember to thank and keep in our prayers the following brothers and sisters in the People of Hope, family and friends, who are on the front lines caring for those most in need during this pandemic.
Heavenly Father, we place in your protective hands all these healthcare workers and their families during this time. Bless their work, the patients they care for, and all affected by this virus. Amen.
​Jane Apuzzo
Morristown Medical Center, Morristown, NJ
People of Hope member
​Marianne Benson
Mother/Baby unit, Overlook Hospital, Summit, NJ
People of Hope member
Anne Boyle (Provinsal)
Atlantic Health Hospice Care, Morristown, NJ
Daughter of Norma & John Provinsal
​Ashley Capite
Nurse in Hunterdon County
Niece of Kathy & Eric Garcia
​Grace Campbell
Nurse Practitioner serving in Ecuador
Daughter-in-law of Don & Regina Campbell
​Anne Cantine
Inpatient Hospice & Palliative Care, Morristown Medical Center, Morristown, NJ
People of Hope member
Adrienne Cirrotti
Penn Medical in Princeton, NJ
Granddaughter of Lou & Carol Cirrotti
​Dr. Joe Clemente
People of Hope member
Laura Cvelich
nurse in ICU at Bay View hospital, Middleton
Daughter of Tom & Theresa Cvelich
Dr. Joshua Dalessio
Passavant Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Son of John & Kathie Dalessio
Kevin Dalessio
EMT Branchburg, NJ / Medical Technician at St Peter's University Hospital, New Brunswick, NJ
Grandson John & Kathie Dalessio
Angeli Dumlao
ICU nurse at Montefiore Hospital, Bronx, NY
Girlfriend of son of Dennis & Cindy Ryan
Brian Faszczewski
Westfield Center (Nursing Home) in Westfield, NJ
Brother of Kim Regewitz
Therese Floyd
APN, St.Joseph Hospital, Paterson, NJ
Daughter of Gregory & Maureen
Ellen Gibson​
Therapist, Behavioral Health Unit, Brandywine Hospital, PA.
Niece of Maria DeLuca
Mary Hicks
Robert Wood Johnson Somerset, Somerville, NJ
Sister of Martha Rath
Eileen Howard (McCabe)
Nurse Practitioner, St Joseph’s, Paterson, NJ
Daughter of Kathy & Bob McCabe
Leanne Kelly
Nurse in Spokane, Washington
Sister of Norma Provinsal
Fran Lariviere (Moccia)
Medical Assistant in SMG, Summit Medical Group
Daughter of Theresa & Carl Moccia
Dr. Deborah Maerz
Anesthesiologist, in North Jersey working with Covid-19 patients.
Niece of Gary and Alicia Montemurno
Therese Masterson (Greey)
George Washington Hospital,Washington DC
Daughter of Ed and Laura Greey
Kathy McCabe
Nurse, St Barnabas
People of Hope member
Catherine Miller
Atlantic Health Ob/Gyn nurse
Daughter of John & Nancy Miller
Daria Moccia
Nurse at Beth Israel Hospital, Newark, NJ
People of Hope member
Christiana Molnar
Overlook Hospital, Summit, NJ
Daughter of Mary Margaret & Ben Molnar
​Mary Kathleen Molnar
Covid Unit, Morristown Medical Center, Morristown, NJ
Compass member
Julie Neri LaRoche
RN at Robert Wood Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ
Daughter of Ed & Ceil Neri
Bridget Nordstrom
Volunteer EMT, Dunellen Rescue Squad, Dunellen, NJ
Daughter of John & Kate Nordstrom
​Kate Nordstrom
Cranford Rehab and Nursing, Cranford, NJ
People of Hope member
Amy O'Mullan
Center for Hope Hospice
Daughter of Dan & Helen O'Mullan
Dave Pepper
ER Nurse, Overlook Hospital, Summit, NJ
Son of Charlie Pepper
​Charlie Pepper
9CD - COVID and Rule out COVID patients only, Overlook Hospital, Summit, NJ
People of Hope member
​Arlene Peregrin
Dermatology Department, Summit Medical Group
People of Hope member
Peter A. Peregrin
Working in the ER in North Carolina
Son of Arlene Peregrin
Emily Peregrin
Kessler as O.T.
Daughter of Arlene Peregrin
Katie Peregrin (Andreski)
Working in the ER in North Carolina
Daughter-in-law of Arlene Peregrin
Bernadette Rutz
RN at Princeton Medical Center, Princeton, NJ
Daughter of Ray & Pam Rutz
Jonathan Ryan
Summit Medical Group
Son of Dennis & Cindy Ryan
Nicole Ryan
Summit Medical Group
Daughter-in-law of Dennis & Cindy Ryan
Dominic Saccento
Case Worker at Davina Dialysis
Grandson of Paul & Joan Temple
Robert Smolin
Alaris Healthcare, Jersey City, NJ
Father of Samantha Mattheiss - close friend of Tim Regewitz
Claire Soule Dominquez
Covid Units, Morristown Memorial Hospital, Morristown, NJ
Daughter of Hank Soule
Colleen Tindall
Nurse at Cooper Hospital
Sister of Kevin Hughes
John Tomasello
ICU nurse in a COVID unit in Long Island Jewish Medical Center, NY
Son of Chris & Diane Tomasello
Bennett Wacaster
Emergency room Nurse, Overlook Hospital, Summit, NJ
Grandson of Dave & Nelie Tucker
Cornelia Wacaster
Nurse, Morristown Hospital, Morristown, NJ
Granddaughter of Dave & Nelie Tucker
Steve Waters
EMT/Firefighter for the town of Hillside and Millington, NJ
Son-in-law of Dennis & Cindy Ryan
Christine Webb
Nurse at Overlook Hospital, Summit, NJ
Niece of Michele Falcone
Anne Marie Yanchuck (Moccia)
Covid intensive care unit at Overlook Hospital
Daughter of Theresa & Carl Moccia