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SPIRITUAL COMMUNION: Thoughts on the Remote Church Experience

Interview with Pete Tomasello

Q: What do you miss most about physically attending Mass?

A: We miss receiving Jesus' body, blood, soul and divinity in the Eucharist. Also, every Sunday, we would attend the same mass as my parents and have brunch at their house afterwards. We really miss this family time.

Q: What have you been doing to help maintain your faith life on Sundays? Has there been any technology involved with that?

A: We use technology to attend our home parish (Little Flower) mass every Sunday. It is so nice to see a familiar setting and familiar faces. Besides the normal homily, our pastor, Father Andy, sends a video with a message every Sunday that warms our hearts. It usually contains "spiritual homework" for the upcoming week.

We've been hosting and attending regular virtual Lord's Days since the quarantine began. We start with the prayers, break for dinner, and come back on for fellowship and entertainment after dinner. It has been an amazing way to use technology to stay connected.

Q: Why is it important to pray for a Spiritual Communion? What has your experience been like with praying for it?

A: We feel that God has provided the grace that has been needed for every moment and every challenge. We've had our breakdown moments like everyone else, but they end on our knees which is where we should have been to begin with. We can only describe this grace as sacramental grace, even with the absence of the physical sacraments. God yearns to be near us more than we could ever yearn to be near Him and so he is breaking the boundaries of time and space to be present in our lives.

Q: What are you most looking forward to after this "self-isolation" ends?

A: Going to Mass and confession for starters. Then, hiring a baby sitter and going on date night without the kids! Maybe we could combine both into one date. We also would like to stay at a beach house with the kids for a few days.

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We are grateful for the many faithful witnesses of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Enjoy this article? You might like this one too.

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