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Kairos' Youth Workers Summit 2020

Writer's picture: People of Hope CreativePeople of Hope Creative

On Saturday, July 18th, Kairos hosted a 5 hour Virtual Youth Workers' Summit. A couple years ago, Kairos hosted their first YW Summit where many youth workers from the North American Region of the Sword of the Spirit gathered together for a weekend conference to pray for and strategically plan for their upcoming youth group year. The plan was to gather again this summer for another weekend conference but due to Covid-19, the conference went virtual.

Although nothing can beat coming together in one location and meeting fellow youth workers from across the region, the virtual conference had it’s benefits. We were joined by many youth workers across the globe who serve their SOS communities’ youth in their cities. It was a gift to share and hear ideas and experiences from people of all different countries who are working with youth.

The conference consisted of four main talks, one given by our very own Tim Margiotta, that spoke about 4 different tactics we can use as youth workers to “Win”, “Call”, “Equip” and “Connect” our youth. We had a chance to enter Zoom breakout rooms and discuss some of these topics further and how we can concretely put them into action.

One of my favorite parts of the virtual conference was the opportunity to have a split men’s & women’s session. Molly Kilpatrick, the Women’s Director of Kairos, led the session by calling to mind five lies that women tend to believe, especially as young women in high school. As she named each lie, she reminded and encouraged us as women youth workers to be like older sisters to these girls and help fight these lies. This discussion was powerful because all the ladies on the call were able to express different sources of these lies and pray for the girls in each youth group who are struggling with them. I am always so encouraged when we are able to come together like this and pray for our youth in a specific way because the Lord really hears and answers our prayers!

The opportunity to have this virtual conference reminded me of the gift it is to serve our high school, middle school and elementary youth in the People of Hope. These youth are the next generation of Catholics, and learning new techniques and ideas to bring them to Christ always inspires me and personally brings me closer to Him. I am continuously grateful for the gift of Kairos and the communities of the Sword of the Spirit who are striving for the same goal as us in the POH of bringing our youth into deeper relationships with Christ.

- Maeve, Ignite Youth Ministry Leader


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