Cate, Ignite Teen -Class of 2019
Ignite this year has done many events from large groups, small groups, retreats and celebrations. The event that stood out to me the most was the YES retreat. This retreat changed my life and made me realize that there are so many teens from all around the country who are following God as closely as I am. I’ve always enjoyed retreats because it’s 48 hours of placing everything else to the side and listening to God, and ultimately will open the doors to hear the word of God.
Participating in Ignite has affected me in a really positive way. This year I joined small groups and that allowed me to really connect with the girls in my class. We got the opportunity to share struggles and strengths, and provide help in situations. I’ve personally grown and changed because small groups allowed me to open up and there wouldn’t be judgement, because God doesn’t judge.
James, Ignite Teen -Class of 2019
Ignite this past year has helped me get ready for the upcoming college years and prepare myself for a world set apart from KA. Through Ignite I’ve been able to form stronger relationships with my best friends. Relationships where we look out for each other and hold each other accountable. Although Ignite is over, it helped me form lifelong relationships with friends who will make sure I continue to grow in my faith and make sure I don’t forget anything we were taught. A theme that stood out to me this Ignite [year] was the theme “Being Called to Call”. As a graduate going into College it’s important to figure out what you’re being called to do for the Lord. I feel a good way to figure out what you’re being called to do is to examine yourself. One can look at the talents God gave them and see how they can benefit others. In this theme I feel I have a talent for being able to make people laugh and smile so I feel that I’m being called to spread Joy to others in some ways.
Participating in Ignite has had a huge impact in my faith. Each witness, talk, and small group has helped me grow in different areas of my life over the years. I feel Ignite has helped me form a strong conscience so that as I go off into the real world I’m able to easily decipher good from evil. Ignite has helped me realize how important friendships are and that if you put work into a relationship in can become lifelong. In Ignite, specifically small groups, I’ve learned that when you are vulnerable and open up the friendships can become even stronger. I’m very thankful for all Ignite has done for me, gifting me with amazing people that I will have to help me throughout all of my life.
