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Daughters of Hope _ Fall/Winter Update

THE DAUGHTERS OF HOPE have had four different events since the beginning of their 13th “season.” Back in October, Michela Brooks came to share with us about her experience on pilgrimage as she walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain.  It was very inspiring to hear her story and she graciously answered all our questions. We then had a Spanish buffet, including a St. James cake and our “pretend” Sangria. During this event, we were able to surprise our “fearless and fun” leader, Norma Provinsal, since her 70th Birthday and Baptismal Days were in October! A few sisters were able to honor and thank her for who she is as a Daughter of God and how she serves the Daughters of Hope.  During our meal time, many sisters shared ‘Norma’ stories and how they have experienced her personal love for them.

November brought us a time of Thanksgiving to God for all our blessings and we also got to share how grateful we were for being a part of the Daughters of Hope. We feasted on pies and hot cider and everyone shared one of their favorite memories with the Daughters. There was lots of joy and laughter! We realized that many of the sisters once “served” on the team for the Daughters before “attending” the Daughters, which brought even more laughter.

In December we had an Italian Christmas celebration! We learned about Christmas and Advent traditions in Italy and feasted on great Italian food. We learned the phrase “Buon Natale” which means Merry Christmas in Italian. The team was able to bake cookies ahead of time and send all the ladies home with a bag of homemade Italian cookies and Norma’s homemade pumpkin bread. 

February usually makes us think of love and we had our own celebration of love. Maria DeLuca shared about experiencing God’s love in her life and we were reminded about St. Valentine and all he did for love. Diane Tomasello’s “Uncle Jim,” who is a professional piano player, came and entertained us with all the “oldies but goodies” songs.  Some women hummed along, some sang, and there was even a little dancing going on! We had wonderful desserts and punch. We ended with a fun game of BINGO and everyone went home with a prize! We look forward to March 11th when the Daughters will be able to host an evangelistic breakfast at St. Vincent’s in Stirling. Monsignor Benwell will be our guest speaker. Please pray for that.  As you can see we have a wonderful time together with lots of joy and fellowship. God is good!

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