Celine, Ignite Youth Worker
Ignite has been blessed with so much this year. We have been able to bring all the teens together almost every Thursday night of the year for either large groups, filled with talks from Ignite leaders and guest speakers, games, and delicious food or small groups, in which each age group of boys and girls separately meet up to share and discuss their own individual faith journeys.
We have also been blessed to go on a number of weekend retreats together. One of these retreats was spent on Long Beach Island where the Ignite teens spent a weekend hearing talks from the leaders, praying together, and enjoying the beautiful location. This was definitely the highlight my year serving with Ignite. I loved spending this uninterrupted time with the group. It gave us all an opportunity to really grow closer to each other and more importantly to God, and build a strong foundation of fellowship and faith for the rest of the Ignite year. It was also so inspiring to see how open the high school students were to not only hear, and consider what God had for them, but to take it seriously.
Serving with Ignite has been such an important part of my year. It has reminded me several times of the importance of having a servant’s heart and not putting my own desires before others. There have been many moments in this past year where I was very tempted to spend my time on my own things instead of giving my yes to Ignite, but what I have learned time and time again is that, when you offer your time up to serve, God will always make time for your own needs.