The young women of our Compass outreach gathered for a morning of talks, prayerful reflection, and Mass at the seminary chapel of Seton Hall University.

Stephanie, Compass Member
The structure of the morning was very simple yet impactful. Although I could not make it to the morning Mass and I had to leave early, I believe the simplicity of the morning allowed for deep spiritual experience. I was not sure what to expect of the morning but I made the effort to go because of the focus topic. Anxiety is something I struggle with and I wanted to hear the spiritual perspective of it. I definitely think that was fulfilled. Listening to two people talk about their own experience was helpful in a practical way.
I do wish we had a clinical perspective on it, but all in all it was a great session. A couple practical points I walked a
way with was to read the book recommended - The Way of Trust & Love - and to download the app recommended - MoodKit.
For me the biggest take away lesson is that whatever gives me anxiety can be an opportunity for God to teach me something. Very grateful for all the effort that was put into this session!