We were honored to have Stephen Giles, GAP Director for North America, visit our Seniors and Juniors in Ignite to give an overview of the GAP Program. He took some time to speak to the students at Koinonia Academy and also had some one on one meetings with some of the guys. Stephen is from Lansing, Michigan and as part of his role as director, travels to different communities in the North American Region to recruit young people for the program. His time with the teens was successful and we are grateful for his dedication to inviting the young people of our community and the communities of our region into this exciting and life changing experience. Please pray for him and the mission of the GAP program.

The GAP Program is an exciting internship for 18-22 year-olds from Kairos outreaches all over the world. As a GAP intern, you get to be on the front lines of Kairos' work of building a community of disciples on mission. Practically this means taking a year off from school, moving to a new city, living in household, and serving in the community, university outreach, and youth programs.
To learn more about the GAP program, visit their website: