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An SPO Farewell: Saying Goodbye to some of our beloved spo missionaries

Writer's picture: People of Hope CreativePeople of Hope Creative

The missionaries of St Paul's Outreach have not only been a gift to college campuses across the nation but also to us here in the People of Hope & Compass.We are blessed to have so many of them participate in our community life while serving as campus missionaries at Seton Hall University and Rutgers with SPO. Please keep in your prayers four of our NJ missionaries as they move forward with the next step of their journey with the Lord.

Thomas Murphy

Could you tell us a little about yourself?

I’m from West Palm Beach, FL, and a Florida State alum. I’ve been in New Jersey working with SPO since I graduated in 2019. In the fall, I’ll be returning to my home state, and I’ll be continuing my service with SPO in Orlando!

What are you most excited about right now?

Currently, I’m most excited for our missionary training in June. It will be the first time I’ve seen everyone since before the pandemic began, so I’m looking forward to all the relationships, as well as engaging in further spiritual and evangelistic training.

How has the People of Hope/Compass played a role in your time in NJ?

I’m grateful for the People of Hope community. I have felt very welcomed, loved, and cherished since I arrived two years ago. I’m particularly grateful for my Compass small group, and for the People of Hope prayer meetings (pre-covid, of course). The Holy Spirit was so present! I’ll definitely miss those down the road.

What parting words or final message do you have for those you leave behind in NJ?

Thank you for everything! I’ll see you in the Eucharist. +


Ali Mumbach

Hi, I'm Ali Mumbach! I'm from Houston, Texas. I attended Texas State University and got my bachelor's degree in sociology. I wasn't really involved in SPO at Texas State until my senior year. I knew I would be a missionary in whatever career field I went into. I definitely did not anticipate becoming a Missionary (capital 'M'). However, the Lord had other plans. It was my desire to see more diverse groups of people in the Church that led me to apply to be an SPO missionary, and ultimately brought me here to New Jersey. I have served at Seton Hall University for the past two years, and it has been amazing. I have seen God do so much in my life, let alone the lives of the people I live and work with. I will be in Houston during this next year, applying for grad schools. I am hoping to get my master's in sociology with a focus in race and socioeconomic status.

Something I will take with me from my time here is the value of choosing community. Specifically, my role in choosing it - not only when it's easy, not only when it's convenient, or I feel like it, but at each opportunity. I have seen the difference it makes in my own life when I don't choose community, as well as in the lives of students when they don't. On the flip side, I have experienced the fruit from being on either side of the community equation, both choosing people and being chosen by people. When it's done right, it's a beautiful representation of God's love for us and the abundant life He wants for us. Both the People of Hope and Compass have demonstrated this to me time and time again. Thank you for welcoming me into your homes and into your hearts. I now know better how to be the daughter and sister I was created to be, because of the way I have been welcomed into this family. This community will be in my heart and prayers. Luckily in the Christian life, it's never goodbye - just see you later! God bless!


Giovanna Pessa

Could you tell us a little about yourself?

I never thought I would end up in New Jersey but the Lord calls us to places we could have never imagined. I am from a suburb south of Boston so I am a northeast girl through and through. I came to New Jersey in August 2019 as a missionary for Saint Paul’s Outreach serving Rutgers University. The Lord had answered my prayers and sent me to serve close to home and somewhere with the Brotherhood of Hope. Next year I will continue working with SPO, but I am heading to sunnier places and will be living in Florida next year. I will be serving as a missionary at University of South Florida pioneering as they start a new SPO chapter there.

As you leave NJ, what is one thing you learned here that you will take with you in your next step?

I've learned here in Jersey that if you don't really like the scenery where you are, just drive 45 mins and it will look completely different.

What are you most excited about right now?

I am really excited for this next adventure the Lord has called me to! I tend to be very nervous when I am discerning something new or a life change. But every fear I brought to the Father during discernment, He showed me only hope and love. I cannot wait to begin meeting the women I will be walking with at USF and embrace this new place I know the Lord has prepared for me.

How has the People of Hope/Compass played a role in your time in NJ?

I am so grateful to the People of Hope and Compass for giving me a home here in NJ beyond Rutgers. This community has been a place of hope for a life of faith, witnessing it being lived out across all ages. I have loved having an adopted family and attending community prayer meetings, Compass small groups, and Compass Lords Days. It has restored my hope that Catholic families, with Jesus as Lord can still exist amidst the pressure of our secular world.

What parting words or final message do you have for those you leave behind in NJ?

Get to know people. You never know the power of a one on one conversation. You can learn another's heart and their walk with the Lord. Some of my favorite memories with POH and at RU were just talking with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Knowing the people beyond just attending the event will make or break what you get out of a community.


Kevin Kubelka

Could you tell us a little about yourself?

I am from Houston, TX and went to Florida State University! I signed on with SPO in 2019, and completed my civil engineering degree in fall 2019 being a part time missionary at FSU, then moved onto full time in spring 2020, and was sent up here to Seton Hall this past summer. Both of my years with SPO I served as a household leader. I am now moving back to Tallahassee to be with the Fountain of Life community and continue forward in my relationship with my girlfriend, and I will be working with a former Rutgers missionary, Will Mechling, in Civil engineering there.

As you leave NJ, what is one thing you learned here that you will take with you in your next step?

I learned how important it is to approach the Lord and the commitments we make to others with a correct disposition, primarily one of charity and humility!

How has the People of Hope/Compass played a role in your time in NJ?

Being a part of POH and Compass has opened my eyes to a lot of the beauty of long term relationships with close brothers and sisters - particularly the awesomeness of seeking the Lord together.

What are you most excited about right now?

I am most excited to take a step forward in following the Lord through my Vocation!!

What parting words or final message do you have for those you leave behind in NJ?

Thank you for immediate hospitality and care for all those who enter your doors. I pray that as the Joshua generation rises up, I can grow in unity through my prayers with you all!


A special thanks to Halie Burns who served as the Regional Administrator for SPO's Northeast Region the past two years. Halie is a New Jersey native and will be local next year, job searching & plans to be involved with Compass. We are grateful for her service!



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